Access Grackle

Open a Google Doc. From the top menu, go to extensions, hover over grackle docs and select launch from the side menu pop up. The application will launch in the pane on the right side. It will begin checking your document automatically.

Navigation window image for launching Grackle.

Navigating Accessibility Check Tab


All documents are required to have a title. You can use a Heading 1 (H1) tag to identify the title of your document or choose the option of using your file name.

The language of your document must be identified. This is typically automatically detected. If this value is incorrect, please select the correct language of your document.

Image highlighting the title identified as a Heading 1 and the Grackle Accessibility Check Tab and Document section.


Alternative (Alt) text must be meaningful and provide details needed for a non-sighted reader to obtain the same information as a sighted reader. 

Click on Locate in the Grackle menu to be taken to the section in your document where the instance is within the document. Click on TAG to open the dialog which displays the current Alt text. Validate Alt text is accurate for the image. If changes are needed, you can make the changes in this dialog box and click update.

Images should maintain color contrast. To check color contrast use a contrast checking tool such as the one found here. Web AIM.


In the same way that you typically format different sections in your document for visual readers, headings are used for screen readers to provide the same experience for those who use them. Headings are set at the top menu bar in the drop down for styles. A single Heading 1 (H1) should be used for the title. Headings must be nested. For example, you are not allowed to have a Heading 1 (H1), Heading 2 (H2), Heading 4 (H4). You must have a Heading 3 (H3) to have a Heading 4 (H4). 


Landmarks (Headers, Footers, Footnotes & Lists)


Manual Checks

Always check the Alt text, do not assume since it passes that it is accessible. This is a user verification.

Checking for color contrast in images and text is required for a document to be accessible. This is a user verification.

Things to watch for

Common Errors


Google Docs Grackle Video

Google Slides Grackle Video