Sometimes Adobe Sign will give you the error that you do not have access.  Please follow this guide to try and get logged into Sign.

**Step 1: Log Out of All Adobe Products**

1. Open any Adobe product you might be currently logged into (e.g., Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Creative Cloud).

2. In the top menu bar, look for an option like "Help," "Account," or your Adobe ID.

3. From the drop-down menu, select "Sign Out" or "Sign Out [Your Adobe ID]."

**Step 2: Confirm Sign-Out**

1. A confirmation dialog might appear, asking you to confirm the sign-out action. Click "Sign Out" to proceed.

2. Repeat this process for all Adobe products you're currently using.

**Step 3: Access the Adobe Sign Login Page**

1. Open your web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari).

2. In the address bar, type in the URL for Adobe Sign's login page: [], and press Enter.

**Step 4: Logging in with Google**

1. On the Adobe Sign login page, if you have logged in with Google before, enter your email address and you should see an option to log in using Google pop up. Click on the "Continue with Google" button.

2. A Google sign-in page will appear, asking you to enter your Google account credentials.

**Step 5: Enter Google Account Credentials**

1. Enter the email address associated with your Google account in the provided field.

2. Click "Next."

3. On the next screen, enter your Google account password.

4. Click "Next" to proceed.

**Step 6: Grant Permissions (if prompted)**

1. After entering your Google account credentials, you might be asked to grant Adobe Sign permission to access certain information from your Google account.

2. Review the permissions requested and click "Allow" or "Continue" to proceed.

**Step 7: Access Your Adobe Sign Dashboard**

1. After granting permissions (if needed), you'll be directed to your Adobe Sign dashboard.

2. This dashboard is where you can access your documents, send documents for signature, and manage your account settings.

3. At this point, you should try uploading a document and making sure that you have the correct access to Adobe Sign.

4. If this works, then check that it is now working on Acrobat.

**Step 8:  Using Adobe Sign to Send Documents for Signatures in Adobe Acrobat:**

1. Open Adobe Acrobat on your computer and log in.

2. Open the PDF document that needs to be sent for signatures.

3. In Adobe Acrobat, click on "Fill & Sign" in the right pane.

4. In the Fill & Sign tool, click on "Send for Signature" at the top.

**Step 9: Add Recipients**

1. In the "Prepare Form" window, you can add recipients who need to sign the document. Click "Add Recipients."

2. Enter the email addresses of the recipients. You can add multiple recipients.

**Step 10: Place Signature Fields**

1. Click on "Signature" from the toolbar on the right side.

2. Drag and drop signature fields onto the document where you want the recipients to sign.

3. Resize and position the signature fields as needed.

**Step 11: Optional: Add Other Fields**

1. If the document requires additional information, you can add text fields, checkboxes, or other form fields.

2. Use the toolbar on the right side to add these fields and place them accordingly.

**Step 12: Customize Email Message**

1. After placing the signature fields, you'll return to the "Prepare Form" window.

2. Customize the email subject and message that the recipients will see.

3. You can also specify the order in which recipients need to sign.

**Step 13: Review and Send**

1. Double-check all the information you've added and the recipient email addresses.

2. Click "Next" at the bottom of the "Prepare Form" window.

3. Adobe Acrobat will connect to Adobe Sign to send the document.

**Step 6: Adobe Sign Dashboard**

1. The document will be uploaded to Adobe Sign, and you'll be directed to the Adobe Sign dashboard in your web browser.

2. From the dashboard, you can track the progress of the signatures, send reminders, and manage the document.

**Step 7: Recipients Receive Email**

1. The recipients will receive an email with a link to the document for signing.

2. They can click the link to access the document and sign using Adobe Sign.

**Step 8: Review and Complete**

1. Once recipients sign the document, you'll receive notifications in Adobe Sign and via email.

2. Review the completed document in your Adobe Sign dashboard.

**Troubleshooting: Account Access Issues**

If you encounter issues accessing your Adobe Sign account or using it within Adobe Acrobat, try the troubleshooting steps mentioned earlier. If needed, reach out to the ECBOCES Helpdesk for assistance.